8 Ways to Boost Confidence at University

8 Ways to Boost Confidence at University

8 Ways to Boost Confidence at University

University can be a challenging time when it comes to building confidence, as you’re chucked into the deep end and either sink or swim. This makes finding ways to boost your confidence integral to the university experience. Becoming more sociable, outspoken, and assured will give you the best possible time and give you an experience that you can look back on with happiness.

There are ways that can help you boost your confidence while at university, from joining societies to putting yourself in unique situations. Everyone will be different in how they gain confidence, which is why it’s important to try out a variety of ways to help you. Some people have natural confidence, but others need character growth incentives, which is very common.

This guide will aim to provide you with some of the best things you can try out while at university and give you the necessary tips and tricks for ultimate confidence growth. Continue reading to find out more.

Live in Shared Student Accommodation

To get the proper university experience, it’s highly recommended to live in shared student accommodation. This gives you the best opportunity to meet new friends and socialise with a larger variety of people, which can help you feel more comfortable and confident in your first few months. If you’re lucky, you’ll be placed in a dorm with several people who you really get along with and can form lasting friendships with.

Those who choose to live on their own in their first year of university aren’t giving themselves the best opportunity to talk to new people. Particularly if you are usually low on confidence, you need to put yourself out there more, and living in shared student accommodation is the best way to do this.

Join a Society

Societies offer something referred to as “instant friendships”. This means that you get introduced to a group of people who like the same things as you, which gives you a better chance of getting along with them and forming a friendship. Societies can be made about anything from wide topics like football or fashion to selected niches like Dungeons and Dragons or Dentistry.

If you want to boost your confidence by socialising with more people, then societies are one of the safest bet. There is no better way to start feeling more confident than by hanging around people who share similar interests.

Leave Your Comfort Zone

Many people lack confidence due to being stuck in their comfort zone. For example, if you spend a lot of time indoors playing video games, there is a higher chance that you will feel more awkward in social situations as you are not used to them. This is becoming more of a commonality among new university students, so you’re not alone.

To gain more confidence, you should leave your comfort zone whenever you can. If you aren’t used to going out for drinks with peers or being around large groups, university gives you the perfect opportunity to explore this new experience.

Embrace Failure

It’s normal to be embarrassed by failure, whether that be academically or socially. Academic failures are bound to happen in your life, so finding the funny side of it and relating to others who have had a similar experience can be confidence-building. Learning to embrace social failures will enhance your confidence tenfold, as it will build your character and make you feel less embarrassed in social situations.

This could be something like getting rejected by somebody that you fancy, as the mentality of embracing this failure will make you feel more confident in the long run.

Be Yourself

You don’t need to change your personality to feel more confident, as the best way to gain confidence is by being accepted by being yourself. You will make more strong and natural bonds with your peers if you are yourself around them. Faking your personality can actually worsen your confidence, as it can make you feel inadequate and inferior if you aren’t able to be yourself.

As previously mentioned, joining a society gives you the best chance to be yourself as you are around similar types of people.

Sign Up for a Run Club

One of the most popular social trends currently is to join a run club and chat with random people while running alongside them. Running clubs can help you feel less isolated and more connected to others, which will make you feel more confident in both socialising and exercising in public settings.

Running can also help reduce symptoms of stress, anxiety, and depression, which are all catalysts for less confidence. Therefore, reducing these symptoms should make you feel more confident.

Appearance Adjustments

Some people feel less confident due to their appearance. They may be unhappy with how they look or have specific features that make them feel down. For example, if you have acne, it can make you feel more anxious when around other people. You can focus on this issue by finding skincare solutions that will make your skin look more refreshed.

If you’re unhappy with a major aspect of your appearance that you want to drastically change, plastic surgery in London is always an option. This will give you a permanent new look, which could boost your confidence.

Avoid Peer Comparison

Every student is different in terms of their needs, learning preferences, cognitive development, and levels of confidence. A student’s ability to be confident might be hampered by feelings of inadequacy and insecurity brought on by constant comparison to other people. Students will feel more confident in their development and be able to identify their strengths if they simply focus on themselves and don’t give in to comparisons.

While comparison isn’t healthy, it’s not a bad thing to take inspiration from others and put that into your life. For example, if you like the way someone dresses, you can use pieces of their style and incorporate them into your own to help you feel more confident.

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